Executive summary about Muhammad by Shaykh `Abdul Rahman `Abdul Khaliq
My brothers and sisters everywhere! Muhammad, the son of `Abdullah is Allah's Prophet and the Final Messenger Sent by Allah to the Inhabitants of Earth. You should know that the Messenger, Muhammad the son of `Abdullah is Allah's Messenger in reality and truth.
Among these proofs:
1. Muhammad was raised illiterate, unable to read, and remained like that till his death. Revelation then came to Muhammad with the Koran that we now have between our hands.
2. Muhammad brought an Arabic Koran that is the peak of eloquence and clarity.
3. Allah instilled great love for Muhammad in the hearts of all who believed in and met him. Till today, those who believe in Muhammad honor and love him.
4. All of history has not preserved the biography of any person in the manner it has preserved the life of Muhammad, who is the most influential human in history. Upon remembering Muhammad, the believers in him will greet him and ask Allah to bless him.
5. Indeed in all aspects of their lives, the believers in Muhammad adhere to the teachings he spread among them and the path that he traveled upon during his life. During every generation, from his day till our time, the believers in this Noble Prophet have fully adhered to his teachings.
6. There has never been nor will there ever be a man anywhere upon this earth who has received such love, respect, honor, and obedience in all matters-small and large alike-as has this Noble Prophet.
7. Indeed many of the followers of this Prophet, chose to follow him during the time when Islam was weak, when there were few Muslims, and when there was severe persecution of his followers on earth. Most people who have followed this Prophet have done so not to acquire some material benefits. My brethren! All of this clearly indicates to anyone possessing any sense, that this Prophet was truly and really Allah's messenger and that he was not just a man who claimed prophethood.
8. Muhammad came with a great religion in its credal and legal make-up, described Allah with qualities of complete perfection, and at the same time in a manner that is free of ascribing to Him any imperfection.
9. It is impossible that any person conceive wisdom, morals, good manners, nobleness of characters as what this honorable Prophet brought. In a full and complete manner, Muhammad spread a teaching regarding character and manners toward one' parents, relatives, fiends, family, humanity, animals, plants and inanimate objects.
10. The legal and credal make-up of the religion that the Messenger, Muhammad, brought resembles the engineering of the heavens and the earth. The degree of inimitability of the Divine law that was sent down upon Muhammad is to the same degree of inimitability of the Divine creation of the heavens and earth. For just as humanity cannot create this universe, in the same manner humanity cannot bring forth a law like Allah's law that He sent down upon His servant and messenger Muhammad.
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