Followers of Islam are called Muslims, believe there is one true God: Allah, that Islam was revealed over 1400 years ago in Mecca, Arabia through a man called Muhammad, this to be the word of Allah as dictated to Muhammad, follow the five basic Pillars of Islam.
Muslims worship in a building called a Mosque. When Muslims pray, they must always face Makkah.
Report Papers on the Pros of Religion in Schools
Executive summary about religion in schools by Eric Edwin Joseph Benac
Bitter debates have been raged to add religion to school. These debaters state that there are many positive results of allowing religion in school. There are many topics about this debate you might cover in a pro religion in school paper.
1. Improve Morality
One argument you could make with a pro religion paper would be to discuss improving morality. You could then argue that adding a positive, religious point of view to school curriculum could help add morals to the school.
2. Improve Tolerance
Religious intolerance is most often fueled by ignorance of other religions. You can argue that allowing all types of religion to be introduced into schools could help end this ignorance and promote religious tolerance. Introducing religious classes that discuss the various world religions could help discuss the true beliefs of these religions versus the perceived beliefs.
3. Enhance Spirituality
Spirituality is defined in different ways by many other people. Introducing religion into schools should not be limited to one type.
4. Encourage Freedom
Many religious people believe that schools banning religion is actually infringing on their constitutional freedom of religion. You can argue that this encourages not freedom of religion but "freedom from religion," a policy that favors the non-religious over the religious. Use evidence, such as quotes from the Constitution and quotes from school policies involving religion instead of impassioned angry arguments.
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