Executive summary about the headscarf by Jana
Some people have been asking about the 'plastic thing' which you insert in the front of your headscarf to make the peak stay up, is basically just a strip of clear, very thin and flexible plastic, with rounded edges, and the one I have measures 12.5” x 2.5”. To use it with a square headscarf, fold the headscarf into a triangle, then slip the plastic strip in between the two layers, to the very edge of the fold.
One wears the headscarf for the sake of Allah and whatever a person does for the sake of Allah can only strengthen her faith so bear that in mind. May Allah be your only Guide.
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jika bunda menyusui dan bunda diet, bukan berarti bunda harus mengurangi kadar asupan, melainkan mengatur pola asupan sehingga lebih sehat dan lebih bermanfaat bagi bunda sendiri, utamanya juga bagi si kecil yang sedang perlu-perlunya asupan gizi bagi perkembangan tubuh dan otaknya. Dapat dilihat di https://www.facebook.com/GizipadaIbuMenyusui
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