Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Guide to Islam For New Muslims

There are many books which give lists of names associated with both Islam and Muslim culture.
1.      The Book of Muslim Names.
2.      Names for Muslim Children.

Islam has its own key phrases to use in daily life.
1.      When mentioning something that will be done in the future. "Insha'allah." (If Allah wills.)
2.      When praising something say, "Subhanallah." (Glory to Allah.)
3.      When in pain. "Ya Allah." (O Allah.)
4.      When appreciating something say, "Masha-Allah." (As Allah willed.)
5.      When thanking someone. "Jazakullah." (Allah reward you.)
6.      When you see something bad. "Naudzubillah." (Allah protect us.)
7.      When saying you're sorry to Allah for a sin. "Astaghfirullah." (Allah forgive.)
8.      After sneezing or when you're happy about something. "Alhamdulillah." (Praise Allah.)
9.      When giving in charity. "Fee eemanullah." (In Allah's faith.)
10.  When taking an oath. "Wallah." (I Swear to Allah.)
11.  If someone sneezes and they say, "alhamdulillah," you reply with, "Yarhamukallah." (Allah have mercy upon you.) 

The best books for special topics:
1.      Covering Islam.
2.      Jesus a Prophet of Islam.
3.      Subverting Islam.

Videos for Learning:
1.      Living Islam. Astrolabe.
2.      Women in Islam. Astrolabe.
3.      Pathways to Islam. Astrolabe.
4.      Christ in Islam. Astrolabe.
5.      The Making of the Last Prophet. Astrolabe.

Basic Islamic terms:
1.      Insha'allah: If Allah wills.
2.      Islam: To surrender to Allah and find peace.
3.      Kitabullah: The book of Allah.
4.      Subhanallah: Glory to Allah. 

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