Minggu, 17 April 2011

Basics of Islamic Finance

Executive summary about Islamic law by Christine Benlafquih

The basic principles of Islamic finance and economics are grounded in Islamic law known as shariah. Included in shariah's comprehensive directives are Islamic finance laws called Fiqh al-Muamalat.

While the number of Islamic banks and financial institutions operating in Europe and America remains small, their interest free banking and financial products are in high demand among Muslims. Products and services include non-interest-bearing savings and checking accounts, interest free credit and loans as well as halal options for Islamic investments and insurance.

Among the financial products of greatest interest to Muslims are Islamic mortgages and Islamic home financing. As banks clearly would not offer Islamic financing if they didn't profit, Muslims interested in taking out Islamic mortgages or purchasing other types of interest free Islamic financial products should not do so casually.

Halal Eating and Drinking

Executive summary about Islamic law by Huda

Muslims are allowed to eat what is "good" - that is, what is pure, clean, wholesome, nourishing, and pleasing to the taste; enjoined by their religion to abstain from eating certain foods.

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