Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Moslem Brotherhood

The Syrian Moslem Brotherhood base in Aachen kept close relations with their Egyptian counterparts. According to a senior German intelligence official, at least nine out of nineteen organizations belong to the Moslem Brotherhood. The German press has recently investigated the Zentralrat president, Nadeem Elyas, a German-educated Saudi physician and an official of the Islamic Center of Aachen. Many German politicians are uninformed about Islam and do not understand that the view and the interpretation of Islam that the Zentralrat expresses, as does the IGD and Milli Görüş, is that of the Moslem Brotherhood and not that of traditional Islam. Moderate German Moslem Groups lack the funding and organization of Moslem Brotherhood-linked groups. Saudi officials and Saudi-run nongovernmental organizations continue to groom Moslem Brotherhood Organizations.
In France, the extremist Union des Organisations Islamiques de France (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) has become the predominant organization in the government's Islamic Council. Because the Moslem Brotherhood provides the bulk of FEMYSO's constituent organizations, it provides the "de facto voice of the moslem youth in Europe." Moslem Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna dreamed of spreading Islamism throughout Egypt and the Moslem world.

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