Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

20 Things Sisters can Do for Islam

Sisters, as much as brothers, are responsible for contributing to Islamic work in the west.
1. Remember you are a khalifa on earth
2. Make your intention for the sake of Allah
3. Make Du'a (supplication)
4. Seek knowledge, a path to Paradise and power
5. Learn about your rights and duties and change who you are accordingly
6. Raise good Moslem sons and daughters
7. Speak out against injustice
8. Don't underestimate the power of social activities
9. Go into professions that are needed in the community
10. Teach in Islamic weekend schools
11. Enjoin the good and forbid the evil
12. Promote and appreciate sisters doing good work
13. Support other sisters in need or difficulty
14. Get sympathetic speakers and scholars invited to the community
15. Teach sisters how to deal with discrimination
16. Become journalists and media professionals
17. Use what you have
18. Know and teach women's history
19. Understand the issues of the day
20. Volunteer

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